Ms. Natalie Yeung
Senior Ballet Teacher
Natalie began dancing at a young age, trained at Ivy Chung School of Ballet and participated the Summer Intensive with Asia Ballet Academy, Malaysia in 2018.
Ms Natalie graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts with a Bachelor (Hons) of Fine Arts Degree in Dance, Major in Ballet in 2020 and received several Scholarships. During her study, she represented the school to perform Anna Marie Holmes' Le Corsaire from The Hong Kong Ballet. She also had the opportunity to perform numerous Ballet Repertoire and Productions, such as Guest Dancer at Opening Ceremony Performance from the Stars of Canaan Dance International Ballet Competition, “Echo”, “Inside Out”, “Paquita” from the HKAPA, among others.
She is also active in dance education development, she taught ballet in some local dance academy from 2016 and working experience with the Hong Kong Dance Alliance & HKAPA Gifted Young Dancer Program.